

A special pneumatic conveying solution for transfer of a reactive material

Photo of INEX Pneumatic Vacuum Conveyor with HALAR coatingVolkmann was recently challenged to provide a pneumatic conveying solution in a chemical industry process where a powdery intermediate product needed to be removed from a container – still wet from the centrifuge manufacturing process – and conveyed into a dryer. The container was located on the third floor, the dryer on the second floor. The product being transferred from the centrifuge was still wet (wet cake) and contained, among other things, dichloromethane and toluene. The customer required a safe and reliable conveying system for the transfer, as the mix of materials were difficult to handle and reactive.

SOLUTION:  To meet this special application need, Volkmann worked with an adaptation of their inert explosion proof (INEX) pneumatic vacuum conveying system, designed specifically to prevent explosion under vacuum. Because of the reactive quality of the material being transferred, all parts in contact with the product were given a conductive coating (HALAR). In addition, all parts coming in contact with the gas-air mixture were HALAR coated to prevent the surfaces from corroding. The Multijector vacuum pump was also made entirely of PVC.

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